Sunday, December 25, 2011

ada apa dgn plkn?

Assalamualaikum, peace be upon u.

Entry kali ni aku nak ceritakan pengalaman aku kat plkn…n apa2 yang jlkn tak bagitau apa sebenarnya plkn tu… since aku tahu ramai bakal2 pelatih plkn yg tgh cari entri2 sebegini..

Apa tu plkn? Silly question kan,,, mestilah semua org tahu plkn tu program latihan khidmat Negara la. Tp bagi aku one short n meaningful word to describe what is plkn is BRAINWASH. Sepanjang aku kat plkn tue la yg aku rasakan, what plkn is all about… jgn percayakan sgt coz ini hanyalah pandangan peribadi aku…sbb mmg aku belum nampak lg mana khidmat aku pada Negara.

Nak pergi ke tak nak? Ini adalah persoalan yang akan muncul dalam benak kepala bila dah dapat good news nie kan.. dan setiap org ada pilihan. Pilihan pertama, pergi n pilihan kedua, tak pergi. Aku pilih pilihan pertama, pergi sbb aku tak nak kena denda n masuk jel. N tak nak menyusahkan umi n ayah aku. Dan bagi mereka yg pilih pilihan kedua sebenarnya mereka mmg berani. Berani berdepan dgn risiko dijel dn didenda. Mgkin mak bapak diorang mmpu bayar..xkesah la kan. N ada juga yang pergi dan balik… banyak sebab, n antaranya sambung belajar (STAM or dpt twran belajar). ada jgk yang cakap nak smbung belajar tp balik duk rumah. Everyone got choice.

Bagi aku plkn adalah salah satu pelabuhan yang aku perlu singgah dalam melayari lautan kehidupan ini untuk mencari bekalan untuk aku terus berlayar. Aku akui, aku rasakan dunia nie gelap seketika bila aku dpt mesej bertuah tu. Kenapa aku? Kenapa bukan orang lain? Mmg rasa mcm tak percaya. Tp takpelah at that moment I told myself, focus on spm first.

Apa yang jadi kat plkn? Kat kem tu, aku jumpa ramai orang. Macam2 perangai. Act aku da pernah tulis pasal benda nie sblum nie. Tp takpelah… mungkin sebab aku rindu kat diorg… :’( (air mata da nak melelh ni)

Dan aku pun jadi orng lain. Aku bukan aku. Kadang2 aku rasakan plkn was a mistake. Aku tak patut pergi. Aku culture shock. Aku pun tak percaya yg aku culture shock. Seriously, aku tak tahu mcm mana ia bermula… mgkin culture shock aku tak sama dgn culture shock org lain. Hahaha…sbb aku da skolah perempuan sahaja.. so aku xde la berkomunikasi dgn lelaki sangat dalam tempoh di skolah menengah tu.

Aku yakin dan percaya bukan aku je.. Allah mungkin da ulang2 jalan cerita kat orang2 sebelum aku dan mungkin jgk selepas aku. Tapi pengalaman itu cukup berharga… sbb aku lebih kenal siapa aku. So kalau adalah bakal pelatih plkn yg baca ni, bersedialah… because Allah is watching. Tp jgn takut, apa yg diperlukan sebenar-benarnya adalah sahabat yg sentiasa mengingati dan KEIMANAN yg teguh.

Siapa yang akan kita jumpa kat plkn? Manusia nie pelik (aku pun manusia. So aku pun pelik :P ). Aku dicampakkan di sebuah kem di Kelantan yg mana majoritinya pelajar sekolah agama. Walau pun pelajar agama tp dialah encourage org takyah pergi usrah. Dialah yang couple. Dialah yang pakai baju ketat. Dia yang lah yg selalu menyakitkan hati orang. Dialah yang terlebih gedik. Seriously aku tahu, kalau kawan aku baca nie dia akan benci aku… tapi aku nak kau tahu yg aku sebnarnya sayang korang. Aku selalu nk tegur korang. Sbb aku tahu benda ni slah. tp aku tak pernah tgur kan?! Sbb aku tak kuat…sorry again. sorry lama xcontact…dan jumpa jurulatih2 yang pelbagai perngai yg antranya garang tapi lucu.

Apa aktiviti kat plkn? time aku dulu (ceh! Macam da lama sgt), setiap pagi, bangun solat subuh berjemaah di surau, then ada senaman pagi/tazkirah, srapan, then kena pegi kelas. Kelas tu ada kalau xsilap 3 modul. Modul pembinaan karakter, budaya kerja n kewarganegaraan. Balik kelas, lunch, solat zohor, then pegi kelas balik/kawad. Then solat asar, then minum petang, riadhah. Then, dinner, solat maghrib, isyak sometimes ada tazkirah. Lepas tue, supper, n ada roll-call bg taklimat utk aktiviti keeskan hari. Lepas tue tidor. Dan dia ada jgk pengawal malam, aku sempat sekali or dua kali je. Mcm tue lebih kurang kat plkn setiap hari. Tp laen tempat , laen caranya. Kalau kem kat Kelantan lebih islamik dari negeri laen.yang best kat kem aku, jalan lelaki n perempuan pun dia pisah. Kebanyakan aktiviti mmg tak campur lelaki n perempuan. N komander kem aku mmg baik. Awl2 lagi da pesan kat jurulatih, sruh pelatih pakai baju yg longgar. N baju plkn tue agak seksi la, especially baju warna biru n seluar trek utk latihan jasmani. Sabar jela… tudung mmg kena masukkan dalm baju.. aku pernah jgk dgr cerita dulu, ada seorg pelatih plkn ni dia pakai tudung bulat kt plkn. aku mmg salute la dia… kadang2 ada sambutan maulidurrasul…

Aman ke kat plkn? spnjg aku kat plkn, Alhamdulillah aman je. Tak de gaduh2. Mgkin sbb ada Melayu n Cina je n seorg peribumi. Statement aku ni bukanlah nak membangkitkan isu2 perkauman tp kalau 3 kaum ni berkumpul sekali mmg pening jurulatih nk mnjaga nya. Nie yg kwn aku ceritalah. Mungkin rasa perpaduan tu belum sebati dlam diri remaja2 ini. Aku pun takde penglaman sgt dlm bab2 nie. Skolah aku mmg semua melayu smpaikan di u nie pun semua melayu.

Apa yang best ttg plkn? dpt kawan baru, dpt elaun, dpt mkan free, dpt jumpa org hebat J, dpt buat flying fox, wall climbing,terjun dalm air kotor, dpt turunkan berat badan, masa tak terbuang dgn terlalu sia-sia, dpt kenal diri sendiri, n etc.

p/s: aku tak tahu nk cerita apa lagi… kalu ada soalan tanyalah.. InsyaAllah boleh jawab.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

make them understand

last two night i was watching Pesta Pantun Bestari. n the competition was between UM n UIAM. i just want to highlight something that happened during the present giving ceremony... this thing , did not just happened in this competition but anytime n anywhere. the thing is the custom of shaking hands. the custom is not wrong but it becomes wrong if it happens between non-mahram. i just feel very sad that even they who hold the title of Islamic university students cannot insist in this thing. please make them understand. it is one type of da'wah as well.

being a failure sometimes makes u even more stronger than before

*failed in JPJ driving test is nothing... :'(

Monday, November 14, 2011

why hate Kelantanese so badly?

even i am not a pure Kelantanese but hearing n knowing there a lot of people out there hates the people of Kelantan intensely really irritate me. u know i've heard a lot about these even this phenomenon had happened since Zaman Chulalongkorn. i don't know why the hate them so bad. i've heard someone from my Uni said that she will never married to a Kelantanese n she even sworn. if i'm not mistaken her father is the one who prohibited her from doing so. if i know who is that girl, i will say to her that "rugilah tak nak kahwin ngan org kelantan, org Kelantan ramai yg handsome tau..." hahaha.. just joking. but it's a fact u know. :)

in another case, there is a boy who wannna get marry at young age, but his grandfather already made a condition that he must not married a girl from Kelantan. see... *sigh*

even i heard one of the lecturer at usim said "saya benci budak Kelantan"

i wonder why Kelantanese are being hated so much? maybe they have their own reasons n history that i do not know YET...

they even set up a page of Anti Kelantan

but there are more people that love Kelantan.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

aku belum berhijab

Assalamualaikum wahai pembaca yang budiman, lamanya tak update blog, i was trying to update this in English but somehow saya rasa tak selesa dengan bahasa tersebut. jadi saya pilih untuk berbahasa melayu sejati.

akhir2 ini saya amat tertarik dengan berita2 bahawasanya ramai selebriti2 dan artis kat Malaysia dah kembali kepada fitrah contohnya Catriona Bahrin Ross, Irma Hasmie, Akmal AF3, Diana Amir, Raja Farah, Farah AF2, dan ramai lagi. Alhamdulillah... beruntungnya mereka kerana dipilih Allah.

bagi saya, saya rasa sangat bersyukur kerana tidak diuji seperti mereka. hebatnya mereka. saya dapat rasakan betapa susah dan sukarnya mereka untuk memilih jalan ini. memilih untuk berhijab setelah sekian lama tidak berhijab.

baru2 ini kak Catriona ada datang ke USIM menceritakan pengalaman dia kembali kepada fitrah. mendengar cerita beliau, timbul keinsafan dalam diri saya, selalu jugaklah saya duk kutuk artis2 nie. konon saya baik sangat. budget macam malaikat. tp mendengar bicara dri kak Cat benar2 membuka minda saya. tugas kita manusia bukan untuk menilai. bukan menghukum, itu kerja Dia. Kerja Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. penilai yang sebenar bukan manusia tp Allah. bak kata2 indah dri seorg sahabt ana jangan harapkan penilaian solehah dr manusia. hiduplah dgn hanya mengharapkan penilaian solehah dri Allah dan redhaNya semata-mata.
butir bicara kak Cat ada terselit ayat2 Al-Quran dan hadis. kak Cat selalu mengikuti usrah. tambah ilmu agama. (di USIM kadang2 ada jgk ceramah. tp memerlukan keinginan diri sendiri. sungguh, bila dah berada di peringkat ini, kalau inginkan ilmu agama, kita kena cari sendiri. kena kuatkan dri untuk pergi mencari ilmu agama ni. kalau kuat bertmbahlah ilmu agama kalau tak adalah kt rumah)

pengajarannya jangan pernah rsa dri baik. pernh saya dgr/baca ada seseorang cakap, kalau bca tafsir al-quran jangan letak diri kita pada watak baik sahaja. adakah kita yakin, apabila Allah menyeru "ya ayyuhal mu'minin..." itu Allah menyeru kita?! atau kita yakin apabila Allah menyeru "ya ayuhal munafiqun..." Allah tidak menyeru kita?! takutkan memikirkannya?!

saya percya perkembangan ini ada kaitannya dengan kewujudan banyak program keagamaan di media. sebagai contoh astro oasis, alhijrah n tv9. dan novel2 Hlovate pastinya :) . dan banyak majalah keagamaan spti solusi, gen-q, etc. tahniah Malaysia. ini adalah Revolusi yang positif!

dan pastinya kita sebagai masyarakat kena menyokong mereka. jangan pernah memperlekehkan usaha mereka untuk berhijab.

kebelakangan ini saya banyak dengar orang pesan agar menjaga hati... dan saya tersentak.. betul jg aku sebenarnya belum berhijab degn sempurna. hati ini belum berhijab sepenuhnya. hijab itu bukan hnya pada tudung dan shawl nya sahaja. sebab itulah ramai orng kata walaupun dia pakai hijab tp tetap buat maksiat...ada betulnya, :')

sekian sahaja dari saya kali ini... just wondering bila makcik tue nak pakai tudung? moga2 Allah buka pintu hati dia utk bhijb bila da balik haji nanti. akhir kata...

saat hidayah Allah menyapa, rebutlah ia, mungkin ia datang sekali sahaja~~

Friday, October 28, 2011

beautiful suffering

currently suffering with final exam...1 paper left. n it's biology!!!

"“when you study hard,memorizing a lot,sometimes you sick of it-you’ve remember that learning the HIGHEST creature of Allah is never easy!”

Sunday, October 9, 2011

some of the list...

(this is what i promise before)
1. avoid meeting him alone. ask a few female friends to accompany us. n when talking to him lower our eyes (it is stated in the Al-Quran)
2. if we have problem in our assignment, only ask him when none of your female friends cannot answer them.
3. avoid texting with him. because it is a laterally khalwat, as it is just between a man and a female. n may be one of zina hati. nauzubillah.( i am trying to avoid such this thing but sometimes 'rebah' jugak. :'(
4. treat them as man not as your other girlfriends. man is man. must be differences between our girlfriends and boyfriends.

this is a common scenery that i can see in my university

p/s: a reminder for u n me. please don't do something that can arise fitna among us.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

be friend to male: right or wrong?

just came back from my lecturer's open house in Senawang. so i went there with my classmates riding a kelisa belongs to one of my male friend. so 4 females+1 male riding a car (isn't it looks like a polygamy's family, is it? joke...ok not funny.) n of course nothing bad happened that we went n arrive kknc safely eventhough he was speeding as fast as 145km/h. so i'm not going to tell about the journey or etc actually. referring to the title, is it wrong to be friend with male?

n my answer is.... absolutely.... ermmm.... i'm not sure what is the real answer. everyone has their one opinion regarding this. n for me my answer it is not wrong as long as u know the border. what? the border? yaaa... i've heard many time this phrase, i think. as long as u know the borders. but i'm not sure is they really know what are the borders actually (even me not really clear about the borders, i think)

for know i'm saying that. it is not wrong to be friend with male because in our situation right now, we need each others. like my situation just now . i need him in order to go to my lecturer's house. n sometime we need males to help us solving problems in our academics n etc.

in my next post, i'll will list a little bit about guidelines in bermuamalat with males. n please... i'm not prefect. i wrote this to give a reminder to me n others too...

(honestly i'm not used to mingle with male yet. )

Friday, September 16, 2011

ukhwah fillah yang lama kutinggalkan

(post nie dlm bahasa ibundaku)

malam in aku rasa sesuatu. sesuatu yang dah lama aku tak rasai sejak aku tinggalkan dunia asrama Naim dulu. mungkin... aku rasa rindu. rupanya dah lama aku tinggalkan dunia ukhwah fillah. entah la. tiba2 aku rasakan hidup aku sebelum penuh dengan kepura-puraan. dunia hipokrit. selalu jer aku tulis "ana uhibbuki fillah" tp aku tak pasti selama ini adakah aku benar2 faham, benar2 mengerti apa sebenarnya ukhwah fillah itu.

aku dulu seorang daie, kononnya lah... but at this moment i can feel that i was a hipocrite. sorry but it's true.kalau dulu aku sering jer bagi usrah kat adik2. tp sekrg aky memerlukannya. but i've to find it. maafkan akak, kalau dulu akak selalu nasihat adik2, tp akak pulak yg hanyut. aku bimbang kalau2 selama aku hidup ini tak ada ikhlas kerana Allah.

bila aku tinggalkan asrama Naim. seolah-olah aku tinggalkan segala-galanya di situ. apa yang aku belajar; dakwah, sahabat. dakwah? i was a daie n i should always be daie. but kenapa bila aku sorang2 tnpa sahabat Badar dulu aku jadi lemah. aku tak kuat. kenapa? iman aku masih goyah. aku perlu sahabat. sahabat. sahabat.

bukan aku tak punya kawan tp it seemed that ukhwah kami tidak begitu saling mengingatkan kami dengan Allah. Pemilik mutlak hati kami. teringat aku ayat2 dlm novel Sinergi, apabila si hero mengajak sahabatnya untuk memperbaharui ukhwah mereka. that is what i should do.

entah kenapa rinduku terhadap sahabat-sahabatku ketika di Naim membuak-buak. tak tertahan rasanya air mata nie. ia jatuh jugak. aku terlalu rindu mereka. Allah jagalah ukhwah kami. jadikanlah ukhwah kami ukhwah fillah yang sebenar. walau kami terpisah jasad. tp hati kami tetap bersatu. bersatu dalam mencari dan mengejar redhaMu.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

medical student to be?!

it is now in the middle of the 1st sem or should i said it is almost at the end of the 1st sem. erm.. i have done with the mid-sem, n outcome is really bad for math. (i still don't know all my marks yet). it seemed that my ambition to be a doctor is fading away. i don't blame anybody for it except me. i should aware that, with my previous style of learning, i'm not going to be good. n Allah would not change the fate of the race except with efforts. notice the word previous?! because i'm trying to change my style of learning n studying right now. alhamdulillah, that i have a lot of role models that i can look on how they treat their study.their time. even my housemate is a brilliant person. but i don't know if it is too late or i still have the time to make a change... n i hope that if the time that Allah said i'm not going to be a doctor i can redha. seem like i'm down right? yup! it is true. i'm down right now. but, wait! i can't be like this, because whatever i'm doing i should do just for the sake of Allah only. just for Allah. lillahita'ala.

"sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam".

Monday, August 29, 2011

..eid mubarak

i'm in Kelantan for Hari Raya. Alhamdulillah after a good 14 hours journey i arrived Kelantan at about 1pm on last Saturday. well this is the first time i travelled as 'perantau' is a very exhausting journey. n i will go back to USIM on monday's night... this raya my umi cooked rendang, kuah kacang, kari ayam n nasi impit (in kelantan we call it as nasi 'kapit'). the table is fulled with cookies (kuih raya) but they r all not make by me. =P

if i am not mistaken it has been so long since the last time we celebrate hari raya here since last years we went back to kampung Umi in Muar, Johor. so i will be very happy if my friends can visit me this hari raya either Demitians, Naimians or even house is always open for all of u. :)

i would like to mention that my lecturers are so kind for giving me a lot of 'ole2 raya' special from USIM.

have nothing to say more... just want to wish all of u happy eid mubarak n please forgive me for every wrongdoings that i had made n maybe will make in the future...

RAMADAN ditangisi, SYAWAL dirai...

Saturday, July 30, 2011


is that necessary to have crush? u know what google translate it? it is 'menghancurkan'. that's mean crush can make u worse. is that true? (this is nothing to do with coco crunch or accident)
i don't know. one of my friends told me that when you have crush, he/she will burn your spirit to go to the class. i've no comment regarding this.
it happened to me few times. i was like blaming myself for feeling that way because it is not comforting at all. when i was doing something, suddenly he appeared in my mind. when he passed by me, suddenly i was like fainting. seriously it was painful. i always tried to get rid of him from my mind. but the more i tried to, the more i would remember him. but this is nonsense. i had read something regarding this somewhere. it said that it is normal for teenagers to have crush but then we always have Islam as our way of life. that's why Allah ask us to lower our sight. sweet right?!

p/s:just a reminder to me as some of my friends are having crush right now. there are some info about crush here.


i was listening to dR. Muhaya this morning through IKIM. there are many things that i got from her. one of them when she said that, IPTA's students always said that "there are a lot of competitions" but then she said that actually as muslims we shouldn't feel that way, Islam urged us to focus on how to be good as one ummah not individually. meaning that we should cooperate with each others not compete. just wondering am i competing? or am i a competitor?

one more thing is when we are doing our responsibilities we should focus on giving not receiving. and that will make our efforts more worthy since Allah is watching.

Monday, July 18, 2011


it has been sooo long since my last update... i've many things to be shared walakin i 've other priority. i just think i want to share my essay on myself...which ended up i had been scolded by the teacher for writing too long essay... :'(

On the 5th of October 1993, at 11.28am, a young mother safely gave birth to a healthy cute baby girl after struggling with her own life. That baby girl is the eldest child to a married couple, ********* and ********** and that baby is me. I was born on warm, sunny day in Melaka, the historical state of Malaysia. My parents named me ********. The name “*******” came out from an Arabic word which means kind and good but I am recognized as “Kak Long” among my family, which mean the eldest daughter since I am a sister to my four naughty little brothers and two annoying sisters. Having annoying siblings are not cool at the most time, because they always play tricks to each other, messing my room and taking my stuffs without my permission. But nowadays I really miss their voices since I am currently studying in Islamic Science University of Malaysia which located far away from my hometown. Although we always had quarrels, I love them very much because they made who I am today.

I was an average student throughout my academic years. My schooling years started in 1998 when I was 5 years old and I cannot remember more about my experiences during this kindergarten’s period except that I always cry, cry and cry whenever I was treated badly by my friends. Then I pursued my schooling years in Sekolah Kebangsaan Demit 1. This is the place where I gained many experiences and achievements in my life. Here, I got to be assistant for head prefect, and able to participate in a few competitions which I managed to raise up the name of my school at state level. The biggest achievement at this primary school level is when I managed to gain 5A’s during my UPSR which made me able to enter SMKA Naim Lilbanat; one of the famous school in Kelantan nowadays. I belief that life is like a wheel. Sometimes we are on the top and sometimes we are at the bottom. I would say that my time during secondary school is where I was at the bottom of the wheel. I became passive. It was not because of I did not like to join the activities that were held by the school but I guessed I just don’t have talent that became the barrier for me to go further. But it was not the end of the world it just that I do not have talent on that particular things only. So, I focused more on my academic which I always believe that knowledge is utmost important for human beings especially Muslim since Islam teaches us to gain knowledge throughout our life from the time we were born and till the day we die. Eventually I managed to score with flying colours in my SPM with straight A’s and now I am currently studying at Islamic Science University of Malaysia in medicine course specifically Medicine’s Tamhidi which is in the same level with the foundation. I will study for one year at its main campus which is located in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan before moving to Pandan Indah only if I manage to confirm my place there by getting certain marks at the end of the year to further my degree. I am just hoping for the best and I believe Allah knows the best.

Don’t judge a book by its cover is a metaphorical phrase which means you should not prejudge the value of something, by its outer appearance alone. But yet people always made first impression at their first meeting with someone. So it is important to care for our appearance since this will lead into our self-confidence. For me, I do care for my appearance but not too extreme since modesty is one of the policies in Islam. I will wear attires that follow the Islamic dress code, made me comfortable and fashionable. Fashionable does not means that I must always be updated about fashion but it is just enough if I know how to match the colour of the veils and the attire so that they are in the same tone and do not look weird. On the other hand, I am quite tall which my height is about 1.60m and do not too fat. Many people who ever meet me would say that I have a Chinese look. Obviously I do have genetic from Chinese since my grandmother is a Chinese woman. It is not weird because nothing is impossible in this world. It is a long story how did my grandmother can convert into Islam. Sometimes we cannot judge our self, so some judgement from others must be considered. I always encountered people that would described me as kind, sweet and cheerful person. It may be true and maybe not but mostly it is true. I am a person who makes mistakes, but have the courtesy to learn from them and not make them twice. I am a person who laughs but sometimes I know how to cry. My personality and character are two important features that make me who I am. Although I may have some weakness in my character, I am basically the upbeat type. I try to be as happy as I can most of the time. Everyone cannot please each other but if everyone pleases themselves and are cheerful most of the time, I feel it is a better start for your life.

­­­­­I consider myself as a good listener because I love lending my ears to my friends. Whenever they need someone to share their problems I will make sure that I will be there for them. Anyway there is a quote that say “when you listen, you often learn something new” and “the wise learn from the mistakes of others”, which is totally correct. Besides, a friend in need, is a friend in deed. I am definitely a person who loves to share too. Whenever I went for vacations or camps, I always share ­­­­­­­­­about what I experienced there either they were funny, sad or happy moments and sometimes if I have extra money I would buy them some souvenirs. I usually share my knowledge and opinions regarding our school assignments or current issues if we have group discussion. I just enjoy sharing. I feel good when I share because sharing is caring but sometimes sharing is scary too whenever it comes to marriage. One more thing about my characteristics is that I am soft-hearted. My heart is always easily touched by others grief. I remembered when I was in form two, when my best friend received news that her father had passed away, I cried more than her. Maybe this sympathetic feeling that makes me want to be a doctor. Someone had said to me that if you want to be a doctor you need to have sympathy for the patients who are suffering from their diseases and that would made me a better doctor. On the bad side of me is that I am a quite hot-tempered girl. I will easily get angry if there is anybody who dares to disturb me when I am doing my works especially when I sleep. I, on the other hand will cry if someone scolds me because I am so sensitive. Just blame the fragile heart. I am not a perfect one. I am just a normal person. I laugh when I am happy and cry when I feel sad. Well, this is me.

I believe in one quote that says “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” but nobody plan to fail. So, I do have a plan for my future which after I complete my education at matriculation level I would continue to do my degree in medicine course which would take me six years before I can get the ‘Dr’ title. After that I would like to be a specialist either in paediatric or obstetric and gynaecology. Paediatric is a branch of medicine concerned with children and their diseases while obstetric and gynaecology are another branches of medicine concerned with the birth of children and scientific study and treatment of the medical conditions and diseases of women especially those connected with sexual reproduction. That is my career building. Marriage? I would marry if I have find my Mr. Right and I would like to have many children. I hope that time will come sooner. Each passing moments is a new life experience for me and makes me grow into the person that I want to be. Day by day, hour by hour, minutes by minutes, I take a new step in my life. Even the life is getting harder for me, giving up is not an option. I always have Allah to return to whenever I have problems and He will always be there for me, to listen to me. This short essay about me is not enough for me to tell everything about me. It is impossible to know me just by reading this essay because I myself am still learning to know myself. Everyday, every second in my life I learn something new about me and nobody will ever know everything about me because people may change. Although I am not a president or inventor of anything yet, I do believe that my life so far has been meaningful and exciting.

*it is not 100% true XP

Saturday, June 25, 2011

my life campus...

insyaAllah this is just a short update. so, it has been almost a month since i entered usim. life campus is very different with school life. the schedule, teachers, friends, uniform, places, environment etc. thus, i need time to adapt myself especially to mingle with boys. it is really hard n weird to communicate with boys. but, i believe with time i can cope with this.

here, i get courage to speak english n tatakallam billughatul arabiah, surely not fluently. this is something that i didn't get during my old days in school. since the education is outcome based oriented.

i've got a broadband for myself. yah! it is costly. :'( but it's ok since i'm running a business right now. it is rm1 per hour. cheap right? hahaha.. just hoping it will backup my broadband's bill. the special thing about this broadband is, it is not on my name. i borrowed someone's ic because i'm too young to own a broadband. thanks to that friend bcause she is willing to lend me her ic.

the life is a bit hectic here. have to leave the house around 7am n come back around 6pm every weekdays(from monday to friday). tired? of course i am. i usually sleep very early at night. my schedule is unorder right now.. huhuhu.. very jelous with my friends bcause they r so organised. even i can't finished my assignment. that is worst right? i'm motivatedless right now.. :'(
i have to REARRRANNGGED (mr.Arho's style; he's my lecturer) my schedule. a schedule that should i follow to be an excellent muslimah mahasiswi.. insyaAllah.. may Allah bless me always.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

why i choose usim to further my studies?

simply said that, i am too afraid to be out of an islamic environment or biah solehah. universiti sains islam malaysia, the name told everything. this university was established for students from smka (sekolah menengah kebangsaan agama) and for students who took arabic language during their spm.
and why not iium? eventhough the university got "islam" in its name, i learned that iium had already got bad reputation for its students doing "something bad and wrong". and i am not that strong to be in such environment. experiences during my national service, did teach me a lot, that i do not have strenght to "da'wah" people alone. so i'm hoping that my decision to go for usim is the best choice. that's the main reason why i choose usim instead of others (i also got an offer from MARA to do foundation in msu)
by time i learned that for the scolarships, dental and medic students will automatically get the scolar from psd, regardless of the university. but for usim's students they will get rm6k since the campus is in pandan indah, kuala lumpur as it is consider as "dalam bandar" meanwhile iium's students will get rm4k as its campus is in kuantan. Yay!

these the reasons USIM provides,
  • USIM adalah sebuah IPTA yang unik, menawarkan program pengajian (double major) dalam pelbagai bidang
  • USIM adalah satu-satunya IPTA yang menawarkan semua program pengajiannya berteraskan pendidikan Islam (usaha pengembalian zaman kegemilangan ilmuan Islam).
  • Program pengajiannya diolah untuk melahirkan graduan yang memenuhi keperluan pelbagai industri, luas ilmu dan pengetahuan, menguasai bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggeris, serta mantap dengan ciri-ciri kemahiran insaniah.
  • Tenaga pengajar USIM menggabungkan tenaga pengajar tempatan dan antarabangsa, yang mempunyai kelayakan dan pengalaman luas, pakar dan terkenal dalam bidang masing-masing.
for more reasons click this!

Friday, April 29, 2011

tetiba saya rasa nak stop berblogging....

warning: post ini sedikit emo..

tetiba saya terfikir kenapa aku berblogging...
adakah untuk aku membuang masa...
atau aku saja nak share hidup aku (walaupun mmg xramai yg baca)
atau aku gila glamour

aku sbnarnya pown xpasti kenapa aku berblogging
mungkin awal2 dulu aku mmg nk improve my english
then da jadi laen...

aku bimbang...
kat akhirat nanti Allah tanya
kenapa berblogging?
kenapa facebooking?
ke mana masa muda aku dihabiskan?
apa sumbangan aku terhadap Islam?

rasanya aku kena perbetulkan niat...
kenapa aku buat semua ni?!
sepatutnya aku mencontohi bloggers/vloggers yg laen
yg apa yg dya tulis ada manfaat utk org laen
ada contribution utk Islam...
tp aku tak cukup ilmu....

p/s"sorry kalau ada yg 'terkesot hati'... just ingatan buat diri ini....dan sesiapa yg sudi membaca...

Monday, April 25, 2011

pasca spm: Ketuk2 'Koli' (kuali)

hi bloggie.

boring kan duk rumah?! so ambik peluang nie blajar masak... seronok! kata org tua2 kalau nak tambat hati suami tambatlah dgn air tangan isteri. ecece...

(first pic)
sayur goreng, when da tak ingat resepi nyer ana bantai jer apa2 yg ada kat dapur... tp sedap jgak

(second pic)
Sotong Masam Manis Ala Cerana
Sumber: Resepi 1001 Rasa
5 ekor sotong sederhana besar; potong bulat - guna 1/2 kg sotong
*1/2 " halia
*1 labu bawang besar
*1 labu b.putih
1/2 mangkuk minyak masak utk menumis-mangkuk kecil
4 sudu besar gula- kurangkan kalau tak suka manis
1/2 mangkuk sos cili dan tomato
garam secukupnya
2 sb cuka
3 sb serbuk cili - ganti cili kering blender
*kisar halus; jumlah bawang ni mama kurangkan sikit
2 biji tomato dibelah 4 dibuang biji
2 hirisan nenas dipotong kiub - guna nenas dlm tin
1 biji bawang besar dipotong kiub
Cara membuatnya
1. Goreng sotong hingga separuh masak, ketepikan
2.Dlm kuali lain, panaskan minyak, tumis bahan yg dikisar halus.
3. Masukkan cili,cuka,gula,sos cili dan tomato serta garam
4. Masukkan sotong yg digoreng kedalam kuali sos ini, kacau rata.
5. Masukkan tomato, nenas dan bawang. Kacau dan sedia utk dihidangkan.
- sotong tu mama gaul dgn sedikit tpg goreng segera agar sotong tak lembik sgt bila goreng

resepi nie dirujuk di sini

(3rd pic)
ikan bakar ... kita bakor jer!xp

(4th pic)
kubis goreng simple...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

pasca spm: how a muslimah should behave...

post ni ditulis bukan utk mengenakan sesiapa, just rasanya lepas spm nie ana da jumpa bnyak jenis org... "some people learn from their mistakes, but smart people learn from other people's mistakes". so post ini jga adalah pandgn peribadi ana n sbg ingatan utk diri ini....

atau dlm kata lain nya perhubungan antra lelaki dan perempuan. ana bukannya sempurna dlm menjaga bab ni... tp melihatkan saudara seagama ana tidak menjaga batas2 ini, ana jdi tertanya-tanya,kenapa jadi begini.sedangkan dia ditarbiyah di skolah agama yg biahnya dikelilingi oleh kaum2 hawa. n ana melihat sendiri kebenaran apa2 yang dikatakan oleh org2, budak perempuan yang hanya berskolah di sekolah perempuan sahaja akan menjadi 'extremely gelenya' when dia keluar dri biahnya. it's kind of culture shock la senang cerita. but sekelumit sahaja yg seperti ini bak kata pujangga melayu 'kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga'.
mengikut ilmu yang sedikit yg dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada ana, lelaki n perempuan memang tidak boleh menjadi kawan baik....

"Anda semua tahu kan. Seseorang lelaki tak akan dan akan pernah menjadi kawan baik kepada seorang perempuan. Kerana, jauh disudut hati para lelaki tersbut, akan ada segelintir perasaan cinta yang tidak kesampaian. Dan perasaan itu menjadi kabus di sebalik pertalian ‘best friend forever’."
~the other khairul's blog~

berchatting berdua-duaan dgn lelaki pun tak boleh.... coz ia hanya berdua. n ia melibatkan hati, that's why la, (kalau ada rkn fb sy yg Adam mmbaca blog ni) kalau korg bgi salam mlalui chatbox, ana jwb salam tu dlm hati... kalau dulu ana mmg tk approve kwan lelaki slow2 terjerat ngan bisikan syaitan supaya approve...mmg la mula2 kita kata just kawan jer... then lama2 kita rasa lagha, lalai... manusia nie iman dia sentiasa turun naik, so peranan kita utk cas semula iman kita kepada Allah...same goes to sms. kawan ana pernah kata "kalau kita tak nak husband kita sms ngan perempuan lain, kita pun janganlah sms ngan lelaki lain"....

diteasing oleh Adam... selalu terjadi seseorang wanita diusik oleh lelaki. ana pun xpasti how should we react actually,but what i always do is just ignore them. biarlah diorg nk kata kita ni sombong ke apa ke, yg penting kita nie tak 'mudah'. tp yg always berlaku nyer pegi layan, lelaki kalau dilayan lagi la menjadi-jadi. apa pandgn kita terhadp wanita yg sperti ini?

berpada-padalah dlm perckapan ngan kaum Adam. kalau boleh tak payah lah gatal2 nk panggil abe ke abang ke or lebih dahsyat lagi paggil sayang or bie....ewww!!! apa perasaan husband/future husband kita kalau dya tahu... panggillah encik, much better kut... tp ia hanya merujuk utk org yg gatal...kdg2 tak per je panggil abe... depends on time n situation.

wahai muslimah kenali lah dirimu, hati seorg wanita mmg lembut, that's why kalau ada lelaki yang bgi perhatian lebih jgnlah disangka lelaki tue minat or try nak ngorat kita... lelaki sbnarnya menyampah ngan wanita yg perasan ada org nk ngorat dya...serious ni! tak percaya tanyalah ngan lelaki...