Saturday, September 17, 2011

be friend to male: right or wrong?

just came back from my lecturer's open house in Senawang. so i went there with my classmates riding a kelisa belongs to one of my male friend. so 4 females+1 male riding a car (isn't it looks like a polygamy's family, is it? joke...ok not funny.) n of course nothing bad happened that we went n arrive kknc safely eventhough he was speeding as fast as 145km/h. so i'm not going to tell about the journey or etc actually. referring to the title, is it wrong to be friend with male?

n my answer is.... absolutely.... ermmm.... i'm not sure what is the real answer. everyone has their one opinion regarding this. n for me my answer it is not wrong as long as u know the border. what? the border? yaaa... i've heard many time this phrase, i think. as long as u know the borders. but i'm not sure is they really know what are the borders actually (even me not really clear about the borders, i think)

for know i'm saying that. it is not wrong to be friend with male because in our situation right now, we need each others. like my situation just now . i need him in order to go to my lecturer's house. n sometime we need males to help us solving problems in our academics n etc.

in my next post, i'll will list a little bit about guidelines in bermuamalat with males. n please... i'm not prefect. i wrote this to give a reminder to me n others too...

(honestly i'm not used to mingle with male yet. )

Friday, September 16, 2011

ukhwah fillah yang lama kutinggalkan

(post nie dlm bahasa ibundaku)

malam in aku rasa sesuatu. sesuatu yang dah lama aku tak rasai sejak aku tinggalkan dunia asrama Naim dulu. mungkin... aku rasa rindu. rupanya dah lama aku tinggalkan dunia ukhwah fillah. entah la. tiba2 aku rasakan hidup aku sebelum penuh dengan kepura-puraan. dunia hipokrit. selalu jer aku tulis "ana uhibbuki fillah" tp aku tak pasti selama ini adakah aku benar2 faham, benar2 mengerti apa sebenarnya ukhwah fillah itu.

aku dulu seorang daie, kononnya lah... but at this moment i can feel that i was a hipocrite. sorry but it's true.kalau dulu aku sering jer bagi usrah kat adik2. tp sekrg aky memerlukannya. but i've to find it. maafkan akak, kalau dulu akak selalu nasihat adik2, tp akak pulak yg hanyut. aku bimbang kalau2 selama aku hidup ini tak ada ikhlas kerana Allah.

bila aku tinggalkan asrama Naim. seolah-olah aku tinggalkan segala-galanya di situ. apa yang aku belajar; dakwah, sahabat. dakwah? i was a daie n i should always be daie. but kenapa bila aku sorang2 tnpa sahabat Badar dulu aku jadi lemah. aku tak kuat. kenapa? iman aku masih goyah. aku perlu sahabat. sahabat. sahabat.

bukan aku tak punya kawan tp it seemed that ukhwah kami tidak begitu saling mengingatkan kami dengan Allah. Pemilik mutlak hati kami. teringat aku ayat2 dlm novel Sinergi, apabila si hero mengajak sahabatnya untuk memperbaharui ukhwah mereka. that is what i should do.

entah kenapa rinduku terhadap sahabat-sahabatku ketika di Naim membuak-buak. tak tertahan rasanya air mata nie. ia jatuh jugak. aku terlalu rindu mereka. Allah jagalah ukhwah kami. jadikanlah ukhwah kami ukhwah fillah yang sebenar. walau kami terpisah jasad. tp hati kami tetap bersatu. bersatu dalam mencari dan mengejar redhaMu.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

medical student to be?!

it is now in the middle of the 1st sem or should i said it is almost at the end of the 1st sem. erm.. i have done with the mid-sem, n outcome is really bad for math. (i still don't know all my marks yet). it seemed that my ambition to be a doctor is fading away. i don't blame anybody for it except me. i should aware that, with my previous style of learning, i'm not going to be good. n Allah would not change the fate of the race except with efforts. notice the word previous?! because i'm trying to change my style of learning n studying right now. alhamdulillah, that i have a lot of role models that i can look on how they treat their study.their time. even my housemate is a brilliant person. but i don't know if it is too late or i still have the time to make a change... n i hope that if the time that Allah said i'm not going to be a doctor i can redha. seem like i'm down right? yup! it is true. i'm down right now. but, wait! i can't be like this, because whatever i'm doing i should do just for the sake of Allah only. just for Allah. lillahita'ala.

"sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam".